Poetry Practice #1

Lisha S.
Mar 8, 2022


Brain is on a slow burn lately, so trying out a writing exercise to kick up the flams (be kind)

Image by Angelina Litvin, Unsplash

Write about an interesting object

This is quiet,
This is recovery,
This is company.
Matching my soft sighs,
With each shift.
Cushions that hold close,
And comfort me.

This is an item of history.
Skin color like mine.
Leather surface,
Smoothed and firm,
Like worked hands,
And worn skin who sat here,
Before me.

The body of our home,
That held tired bodies.
A centerpiece that sits off-center,
Dependable, and unassuming.

This is a throne.
A reminder of my potential,
An advocator of rest,
A still object that moves — me.

Ode to my recliner



Lisha S.

Over-thinker, poetry writer. This is my therapy, just sharing my mind with you.